
1. Fonseca data during the period 2010-2016

Documents published in Fonseca

Document types

Most frequent words in the title

Authors of  Fonseca

Author's country

Autonomous community of the author

Author's province

Authors' institutions

Collaboration at Fonseca

Type of collaboration

Author collaboration network

2. Data on the appointments that Fonseca has received

Citing documents

Fonseca quotes by year

Citations by citing document

Type of citing document

Most frequent words in quotation titles

Citation language

Most frequent keywords in citations

Origin of the citing documents

dating countries

Province of appointments from Spain

Institutions that cite Fonseca the most

Collaboration on citing documents

Type of collaboration of the documents that cite Fonseca

Collaboration network of authors who cite Fonseca

Collaboration network of the institutions of the authors who cite Fonseca

The complete bibliometric study can be downloaded  here .